We’ve let our fears of nuclear get the best of us.
Forget what you read about Iran, Saudi Arabia, and North Korea. Most experts believe that the risk of nuclear war has never been lower.
The closest we came to nuclear war was in 1962, a tender 13 years after the Soviet Union got the bomb. It was then that the US government discovered the Soviets had transferred missiles to Cuba.
President John F. Kennedy demanded that Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev remove the missiles, and imposed a US naval blockade.
During the crisis, Air Force Colonel Curtis LeMay — who would be lampooned a little over a year later in Stanley Kubrick’s cinematic masterpiece, “Dr. Strangelove” — pressured Kennedy to bomb Cuba.
"We don't have any choice but direct military action,” said LeMay, a man whose imagination was apparently as limited as his empathy. “I see no other solution."
Kennedy happily rejected LeMay’s insane advice. The president and Khrushchev instead agreed that the US would remove its missiles from Turkey in exchange for the Soviets removing their missiles from Cuba.
After that, the risk of nuclear war declined precipitously. Within a decade, there was detente, an orchestrated relaxing of tensions, between the US and Soviet Union and China. By 1990, Communism was collapsing and with it the collective fear of nuclear war.
Without the US and Soviet Union to worry about, concern turned to India and Pakistan. “There is a high risk of nuclear weapons being used,” warned a top expert in 1991, representing the threat assessment of many if not most of his colleagues.
The risk seemed high. In 2002 the two nations mobilized one million troops along their shared border as part of a long-running dispute over a patch of land known as Kashmir.
The same expert worried that “many of the political, technical, and situational roots of stable nuclear deterrence between the U.S. and the Soviet Union may be absent in South Asia, the Middle East or other regions to which nuclear weapons are spreading.”
But then political leaders in India and Pakistan considered the likely impacts of nuclear war and frightened each other into peace, just as the US, Soviet Union, China, Britain, and France had done before them.
Vox’s Dylan Matthews asked India-Pakistan expert, Sumit Ganguly, a professor of political science at University of Indiana, what the impact of nuclear weapons proliferation on the region was. Gangly was blunt.
“In South Asia,” Ganguly said, “it has, for all practical purposes, done away with the prospect of full scale war. It's just not going to happen. The risks are so great as a consequence of the nuclearization of the subcontinent that neither side can seriously contemplate starting a war.”
The Real Threat
Last week, the former head of US nuclear weapons laboratory, Los Alamos, Sigfried Hecker, concluded the nuclear-armed nation of North Korea is “less dangerous today than it was at the end of 2017.” The reason? Diplomacy is working.
Yes, North Korean missiles can still reach Japan and South Korea, and experts believe it won’t ever give up its nuclear arsenal.
But relations between the US and North Korea have stabilized enormously, just as US relations did with the Soviet Union and China.
What about Iran? Experts agree that if Iran got the bomb, it would use it the same way all nations do: for self-defense. The regime is not suicidal and would thus not use it to attack anyone, least of all Israel, which has been nuclear-armed since the sixties.
What of Iran’s support for terrorists? The father of international relations, Kenneth Waltz, argued that if Iran got the bomb it would likely scale back its support for terrorist groups in order to avoid the risk of nuclear retaliation.
Even the leading scholarly advocate of bombing Iran argues that Iran wouldn’t be so stupid as to give a nuclear weapon to terrorists. Wrote Georgetown University professor Matthew Kroenig,
Nuclear weapons and terrorist groups have both existed for nearly seventy years, and no state has ever provided nuclear capabilities to a terrorist organization….It is likely that Iran would show similar restraint...
Just because a regime is sometimes violent and cruel doesn’t make it suicidal. If Iran got the bomb, it and Israel would likely behave like India and Pakistan.
A far more realistic threat than nuclear war is the threat that millions will die, and billions more will suffer, from toxic air pollution and a hotter climate because of our cartoon fears of the bomb.
Anti-nuclear groups like Greenpeace deliberately trigger fears of nuclear war in their efforts to shut down nuclear plants in Europe while groups like NRDC do the same in the U.S.
Fear of weapons isn’t their only motivation. They are also motivated by a misanthropic fear of cheap energy, blind love of renewables, and the money provided by fossil and renewable energy industry donors.
But fear of the bomb is the animating force that has given anti-nuclear advocacy its meaning and power since the late 1960s. It is fear of the bomb that motivates us to believe various false facts about nuclear energy.
Baby boomers were most traumatized by outdoor nuclear weapons testing in the 1950s, and duck-and-cover exercises. Psychologists have known since the 1970s that they displaced their fears of nuclear weapons onto nuclear plants.
They knew, at some level, that they couldn’t ban the bomb, and so they sought revenge, at least psychologically, by trying to shut down nuclear plants.
It was during the same period that groups like Union of Concerned Scientists went from attacking the bomb to attacking nuclear power, and joined forces with NRDC, Sierra Club, and Greenpeace.
In 1976, renewable energy guru and Sierra Club advisor, Amory Lovins, argued that nuclear weapons could be eliminated by eliminating nuclear energy.
The idea was always ridiculous. By 1976 experts had known for over 30 years that nuclear-armed nations could not ban the bomb, and even that attempting to do so could be dangerous.
Experts understood that, if any two nations got rid of their nuclear weapons, and then went to war with each other, both would race to rebuild bombs, and use them on the other. A better approach was to not disarm in the first place.
Here Comes “Chernobyl”
The good news is that fear of nuclear has been fading across generations. Today, movies and TV are more often about zombie apocalypse than nuclear apocalypse.
Nukes haven’t entirely gone away. The 2018 “Mission Impossible: Fallout” movie had a terrorist group threatening to use the bomb. Still, it wasn’t the kind of realistic style nuclear war drama of “On the Beach” (1959) or “War Games” (1983).
Millennials, born after the Cold War, were raised to be afraid not of nuclear war but rather climate change.
As nuclear power has proven to be, from France and Germany to the U.S. and Canada, the only way to completely decarbonize energy supplies, there is the hope that Millennials will embrace the technology.
But that’s only if Hollywood doesn’t scare them away, first. Coming soon to frighten a new generation about nuclear power is HBO with a new miniseries about Chernobyl, the 1986 nuclear accident in the Ukraine.
The producers of “Chernobyl” call the accident one of the “the worst man-made catastrophes in history.” That’s a remarkable statement, given that past man-made catastrophes resulted in tens of millions of people dying.
How many people did Chernobyl kill, according to the experts? I asked Dr. Geraldine Thomas of Imperial College in London, who created the Chernobyl Tissue Bank, and is perhaps the world’s leading expert on the health impacts of nuclear accidents.
“Twenty-eight people died putting out the Chernobyl fire,” she told me. “Three died in the explosion. There have been 19 deaths in the cohort of firefighters ever since. None can be definitely attributed to radiation. Some of them died in car accidents, and others from cirrhosis of the liver.”
What about cancer deaths? “There have been 16,000 thyroid cancers,” she said. “Thyroid cancer has just a one percent mortality rate and so we estimate that 160 premature deaths could occur over a 50-year period,” Thomas said.
That’s it, Thomas says. There was no increase in cancer rates other than thyroid cancer, no increase in birth defects, and no other detectable health impacts from radiation.
Why, then, the big fuss of nuclear accidents? If Chernobyl was the worst nuclear accident possible — the reactor lacked a containment dome, and caught on fire — why is Hollywood delivering yet another dose of fear-mongering about the event?
It’s impossible to look at the massive and continuing overreaction to Chernobyl and Fukushima and not see it as animated by fears of nuclear war and weapons.
We have, for decades, seen nuclear plants as little nuclear bombs — and nuclear meltdowns as little explosions.
We need some fear so that we continue to only use nuclear weapons in peace, not war, but we’ve let our fears get the best of us.
It's hard to believe that humankind would kill off our best hope for preventing catastrophic climate change out of an exaggerated fear of nuclear weapons, but that is precisely what we are in the process of doing.
Read Again https://www.forbes.com/sites/michaelshellenberger/2019/02/21/stop-letting-your-cartoon-fears-of-nuclear-bombs-kill-the-planet/Bagikan Berita Ini
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