Artist concept of 2018 VG18 "Farout."Roberto Molar Candanosa/Carnegie Institution for Science
- Astronomers from the Carnegie Institution for Science discovered a new dwarf planet located about 11.2 billion miles away from Earth.
- They named it Farout, since it's the farthest known space object from Earth within the solar system.
- According to the institute's study, Farout is estimated to be 500 kilometers in diameter and could take more than 1,000 years to orbit the Sun.
"Far Out!"
It’s official: astronomers found a new dwarf planet in our solar system — and it’s the most distant object ever observed in our solar system.
"I said ‘far out!’ when I discovered it, and it’s a very far out object," said astronomer Scott Shepard from the Carnegie Institution for Science, as quoted by New Scientist.
The tiny planet is called 2018 VG18 — later nicknamed "Farout" by the team that discovered it — and it’s about 3.5 as far away as Pluto, some 18 billion kilometers (11.2 billion miles) away. That’s more than 100 times the distance between the Earth and the Sun — and about the same distance as Voyager 2, the NASA probe that launched in 1977 and reached interstellar space this month.
Read more: NASA's famous Voyager probes nearly failed during launch — here's what went terribly wrong
Farout was spotted by the Japanese Subaru telescope in Hawaii on November 10 by Shepard and several colleagues, according to a statement on Carnegie Institution for Science’s website.
Unusual Orbits
Solar System distances to scale showing the newly discovered 2018 VG18 "Farout" compared to other known Solar System objects.Roberto Molar Candanosa/Scott S. Sheppard/Carnegie Institution for Science
So far, Farout is still deeply mysterious. But one aspect already attracting scientific interest is its unusual orbit. Farout orbits at an unusual angle, along with other so-called "trans-Neptunian objects." There’s been a lot of speculation in recent years about what might be causing those astronomical bodies’ unusual trajectory.
One of the most popular explanations is the possible existence of a ninth planet, or Planet X. In fact, the astronomers discovered Farout while searching for the existence of a ninth planet, according to the statement. Most recent data suggests it could also be a group of objects within the same gravitational field.
Slow And Pinkish
Above: A movie of the discovery images of 2018 VG18 "Farout" from the Subaru Telescope on November 10, 2018. Farout moves between the two discovery images while the background stars and galaxies do not move over the 1 hour between images. Credit: Scott S. Sheppard/David Tholen
But we can glean at least some details about Farout. Farout is estimated to be 500 km in diameter, and to take more than 1,000 years to orbit the Sun. It also has a pinkish hue, according to the researchers.
"With new wide-field digital cameras on some of the world’s largest telescopes, we are finally exploring our Solar System’s fringes, far beyond Pluto," said Chad Trujillo, astronomer from Northern Arizona University.
The discovery shows that even though researchers are now routinely finding planets orbiting other stars, there are still planet-sized undiscovered objects in our own solar system. It really goes to show how much there still is to learn about our relatively small corner of the galaxy.
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