
When Pluto Was A Planet: How Helpful Are The Business Rules You Live By?


It’s 1905. Percival Lowell, an American astronomer, hypothesizes the possibility of a mysterious “Planet X” in the outer solar system. In 1930, Clyde Tombaugh, a young astronomer working for the Lowell Observatory, confirmed Percival’s suspicions, officially discovering Pluto. And that was that: Pluto was the ninth planet. The rules of astronomy and physics were immutable, and one more unearthly sphere was added to the planetary models studied by schoolchildren across the globe.

Well, that is until 2006, when the International Astronomical Union (IAU) reclassified Pluto as a less-impressive dwarf planet. Although astronomers still hotly debate the “is it or isn't it?" of Pluto’s planethood, let’s focus on something else -- that for 76 years, nobody questioned what Pluto was. Everyone accepted the rules set on high -- rules that turned out not to be true. As Pluto knows, things can always change. So, in an ever-shifting world, where is the firm ground our businesses can stand on? Where are the rules we can trust?

Here are three things a dwarf planet can teach us about how to approach “business rules.”

1. The rules were inside you all along.

As we build our businesses, we tend to become focused on process, mired in tradition and obsessed with the bottom line. These are all “rules” that offer comfort and a feeling of progress, but are they actually holding us back from what’s really possible?

Our belief is that these rules are what fuel positive results. But actually, these are not rules. Instead, they are routines and expectations. The only thing that truly never changes its form or function is what your organization stands for -- your purpose. That is the piece that originates with you, that is unique to you, and is not influenced by external factors and “rules.”

When you’re internally driven (rather than externally focused), the foundation you stand on doesn’t move; the facts don’t change. But when you rely on the outside world for market insights and trends and make those your sole foundation, you’re guaranteed to be rebuilding the floor regularly. Those externally created business “facts” shift, change and are broken by the hour.

2. The experts know what you should do today. What about tomorrow?

There are plenty of experts and self-proclaimed authorities in business, offering rules for everything from connecting to one’s target audience to implementing service-oriented management architecture. A quick Amazon search of books on business rules turns up 10,000+ titles (with Sun Tzu’s Art of War as the No. 1 result). The question is: if all these rules are true and immutable, why aren’t we all wildly successful?

If Pluto has taught us anything, it’s that the truth can change. There is no one set of rules, no book and no expert that can truly tell you what will make your business a success. Because no expert or rule takes into account your business’s unique purpose. The only rules that work are the rules that support the furthering of that purpose.

3. Toss the rules. Hold on to the beliefs.

Let’s return to the (friendly) skies. Southwest Airlines has had one "rule," internally created and externally practiced, for almost five decades: “Democratizing the skies.” It’s not actually a rule, though. It’s a belief. Southwest's process, approach, marketing, etc., derive from that single, unchanging belief. And that belief has led to success. Southwest currently holds 17.9% of domestic market share, trailing American Airlines by only 0.2%. Facts can change. Closely held, truly lived-by beliefs cannot. And long-lasting success is built on the beliefs held by the people within the organization, not the “rules” created by those outside of it.

Poor Pluto, once the subject of much celebration, the newest world in the sky, one of the nine heavenly bodies. Now, reduced to one of over 200 dwarf planets in the solar system and Kuiper Belt. But don’t feel sad for Pluto. As we know, facts can change. As recently as September 10, 2018, scientists were still debating Pluto’s possible return to planet status. That fact may change, but one truth will not: When you’re clear about what your business stands for, the sky’s the limit.

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