Strange lights spotted in sky over LA as hidden planet is predicted to hit Earth
The UFO sighting freaked people out in Los Angeles (Picture: Twitter)

The world’s supposed to end this weekend.

Let that sink in.

The prediction that a hidden planet was meant to smash into Earth on Saturday — killing us all — was laughed at by experts.

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But that quickly turned into nervous laughter when a number of people spotted strange lights in the skies above America hours before the destruction was supposed to take place.

Freaked-out Los Angeles residents saw what they described as a UFO with a weird crescent flying over them.

People in Huntington Beach, California, witnessed it too.

One person posted on Twitter: ‘We totally just saw UFO over Los Angeles! crazy crescent wing out of light, sputtered slowly, then zoomed outta here! That was nuts.’

Others joked about it being one of Kim Jong-Un’s missiles.

Earlier this week, conspiracy theorists were lining up to warn us of hidden Planet X, which for obvious reasons was not been detected by Nasa.

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They claimed it was going to smash into the planet, wiping out the human race and nearly all life on Saturday.

The Nibiru theory, as it is known, is a doomsday prediction based on biblical texts which some people claim predict the end of the world.

The passage Revelation 12:1 reads: ‘A great sign appeared in heaven; a woman clothed with the sun with the moon under her feet and a crown of 12 stars on her head.

‘And being with child, she cried out in her travail and was in anguish of delivery.’

Conspiracy theorist and researcher David Meade this passage is proof that none of us were going to see the sunrise on Sunday.

He claims the ‘sign appearing in heaven’ refers to the solar eclipse which took place last month, and that the recent hurricanes which have devastated the Caribbean are proof that a cosmic ballet is ushering in the end of the world.

Strange lights spotted in sky over LA as hidden planet is predicted to hit Earth