
Protect your kids and the planet with these back-to-school health tips

Start the day right, be reminded to hydrate, don’t pollute the environment and protect your eyes: Here are four ways to make going back to school happier and healthier.

Wake up with yoga

Relax with yoga before even getting out of bed. That’s the aim of the Yoga Wake Up app created by Los Angeles husband-and-wife team Joaquin and Lizzie Brown. The wake-ups are designed for kids age 1 and up, encouraging gentle stretching and breathing to soothing music instead of the jarring beep of an alarm.

“Joaquin was in a ‘savasana’ [corpse] pose in yoga class and the instructor said, ‘pretend you’re just waking up in bed,’” said Lizzie Brown. “That’s what inspired the idea.”

The app can either be programmed to act as a wake-up call, or to play when you are up and about. A monthly subscription allows access to 80 different “wakes,” ranging from five to 15 minutes.

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