The latest attempt at a sci-fi Dark Souls manages to copy the look and feel of From Software’s classics on an indie budget.
There’s been a steady trickle of Dark Souls clones over the last several years. Most of them have been pretty good too, including games like Lords Of The Fallen, Salt And Sanctuary, Nioh, Let It Die, Necropolis, and The Surge. But what disappoints us is that they all stick so close to the high fantasy setting of the originals. Even Nioh, with its samurai-themed setting, managed to look and feel a touch too familiar, while The Surge’s sci-fi setting made almost no difference to the actual gameplay.
All these games wear their debt to Dark Souls on their sleeve, and the developers openly admit the inspiration the series has provided. That’s true of Immortal Planet too, even if the isometric setting doesn’t immediately conjure up thoughts of From Software’s classics. The distinctive, angular artwork and unusual mix of sci-fi and swords & sorcery also seems to have little in common with the series. But get a taste of Immortal Planet’s difficultly level and it will suddenly seem very familiar.
Peer a little closer and you’ll also find that even if it has a different name, almost all the core elements of Dark Souls are reflected in Immortal Planet. A bonfire is a bonfire, whether you call it a cryopod or not, and it soon becomes apparent that even the storytelling follows in Dark Souls’ cryptic footsteps. But the game does have a few unique ideas of its own, and may even hint at what From is planning for their own sci-fi game…
From claims that the Dark Souls series has now finished, and have hinted that their next game will play similarly but have a sci-fi setting. Assuming they’re not purposefully misdirecting fans, the big question is what kind of sci-fi. Presumably we’re not talking a Star Trek style quasi-utopia, but something similar to Immortal Planet’s genre mash-up does seem possible. The plot, so far as it can be easily discerned, involves your character waking up from cryosleep on an ice planet full of undead warriors and mysterious tombs. Take out the sci-fi details and it could be Dark Souls IV.
And while the isometric viewpoint and 2D sprites are obviously nothing like Dark Souls, the combat still manages to stick as close as possible to From’s template. Death can come almost instantaneously for anyone that doesn’t keep their guard up, and maintain a constant watch on their health and stamina. Being on the offensive involves quick precision strikes and ensuring you never stay in the same spot for any longer than you have to. And it works. At first it’s frustrating learning the tempo of combat, just as it is in Dark Souls, but soon enough you get a feel for your character’s limitations and how to beat enemies that initially seemed impossibly out of your league.
One thing to bear in mind is that stamina is especially important in Immortal Planet, as it’s linked to a dash attack which can stun enemies, or knock them off edges, when they themselves are low on stamina. Judge things wrongly though, and try to dash when they have too much stamina, and you’ll ended up being stunned yourself – which is a nice little risk versus reward set-up that From themselves would be proud of.
Immortal Planet’s problems do not steam from any major failing, but simply that the games it’s copying still manage to do everything better – and some of the features just don’t translate very well to an isometric viewpoint. Apart from the snowy planet surface the game’s underground labyrinths all look largely the same, and so the sense of discovery and wonder is mostly lost.
And while there is a decent range of different weapons they don’t make a significant difference to the gameplay. That’s especially evident in those that can be transformed between two forms. This is an obvious steal from Bloodborne, but it never makes enough difference to be worthwhile and just feels like it’s there because it’s something that From did – not because it actually adds anything to the game.
In a similar manner the boss battles are almost uniformly disappointing, and all much too similar. You get the feeling that the game knows it too, as it tries to overcompensate by just making everything even harder than the real Dark Souls.
Immortal Planet is still a fun little homage, and given the sensibly low price we’d still recommend it to Dark Souls fans twiddling their thumbs waiting for From’s next game. But Salt And Sanctuary remains a far better 2D take on the formula. In the world of video game tribute bands both are able to mimic the basics, but only one has the soul of the original.
Immortal Planet
In Short: An interesting attempt at an isometric Dark Souls, but it lacks the depth and attention to detail of the real thing.
Pros: The combat works very well given the camera view, and the stun attack adds some interesting tactical decisions. Attractive art design and unusual sci-fi setting. Good value for money.
Cons: The game lacks the depth and variety of the real Dark Souls games, with exploration and boss battles a particular disappointment. Frustratingly hard, even by the standards of the genre.
Score: 6/10
Formats: PC
Price: £10.99
Publisher: teedoubleuGAMES
Developer: teedoubleuGAMES
Release Date: 27th July 2017
Age Rating: N/A
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